Skaramangas Refugee Camp
Skaramangas Refugee Camp
is located near the port town of Skaramangas – also spelled ‘Skaramagkas’, ‘Skaramankas’ or ‘Skaramagas’ – west of Athens and just north of the port of Pireas. The camp is on land owned by the Greek Navy and is administered by the Navy. In the spring of 2016 Skaramangas grew quickly to house a population of about 5000 persons, most of whom were transferred from the infamous tent city on the Pireas docks, where thousands of people lived in the open for months, with almost no services or hygenic facilities. By the time of our visit in June, 2017, many had left and the camp’s population was probably under 2000 persons.
Blogs about Skaramangas Refugee Camp and its residents
Skaramagkas and Danesh
All the places we have visited so far have been quite humane and impressive to us, in terms of the compassionate staff and the conditions. We have heard that the government camps are less inviting, especially the ones on the islands. Since February, we have been...